"No matter what the coming season brings, you can count on Dogwood Arts to be here finding big and small ways to keep us all connected - just as we have since 1955.
Support from you, no matter what size, will make a real and lasting impact in this community."
Sherry Jenkins, Executive Director
Make a Difference by
Supporting Dogwood Arts
Our mission is to promote and celebrate the art, culture and natural beauty of our region.
Dogwood Arts has a 65-year history of arts advocacy, environmental stewardship, and economic impact in East Tennessee. We produce 20 year-round events and programs that help make Knoxville a great place to live, work and play. But we can't do it alone. Help us Grow the Good by giving today.
2021 Season Supporters
A.C Massengill Jr.
Al Gill
Alaine McBee
Alan Solomon
Amy Styles
Ann Whitney Stanley
Barbara Apking
Barbara Hillard
Barbara Johnston
Benjamin Alford
Betsey Creekmore
Bill Pugh
Bob Cross
Bob Thomas
Brooke Lawson
Charles Henry
Clairanne Hann
Connie Gonzalez
Dale Workman
David Birdwell
David Owens
Dean Turner
Derek Strickland
Dixie Highway Garden Club
Don Preston
Doug Slocum
Ed Shouse
Ellen Izard
Ellie Kittrell
Eric Bowen
F. Michael Combs
Georgiana Vines
Heather Overton
Helen Alley
J Parks Hitch
Jami Cox
Jamie Davis
Janet Cobble
Janet Testerman-Crossley
Janey Sterchi
Jeanie Sims
Joan Cronan
JoAnn McCallen
JoAnne Witherspoon
Joe Fox
John Ray
Jonathan Repass
Jonathan Williams
Judith Marquand
Julia Luna
Karen Sproles
Kassandra Richardson
Kat Torbett
Kate Creason
Kenneth Creed
Knoxville Sheet Metal Works, Inc
Kyndra Brewer
L. Caesar Stair III
Lakemoor Hills Garden Club
Larsen Jay
Leslie Testerman
Lily Fierro
Linda Haynes
Linda Powell
Lisa Blakely
Lisa Duncan
Loreto Ferrada
Marcia Goldenstein
Marga McBride
Mark Gaylord
Mark Medley
Mary Slack
Millie Ward
Mitch Reed & Associates
Nancy Campbell
Nancy Fitzpatrick
Patricia West
Patrick Riggins
R. Larry Smith
Rene Yanes
Reuben Pelot
Richard Antonucci
Rick Hill
Robert Claytor
Robert Eldridge Jr.
Rogers Group Inc
Sara Pinnell
Sarah Kane
Shannon Herron
Sharon Pryse
Sherri Parker Lee
Stuart Worden
Sue Callaway
Suzanne Schriver
Tamara Warner
Taylor Woodroof
Tom Gouffon
Vicki Williams Baumgartner
Vivian Vega
Vreeland Engineers, Inc.
William B. Stokely Jr. Foundation
Susan Cafferty
Norma Cook
Jamie Davis
Dabney Johnson
Paula and Grainger Morrison
Terri & Steve Dole from The Kuesters
Caroline Bingham Hoadley from Caroline Hoadley
Mary Hurst from Rachel Lovell
Mike Paschall from Dave & Bonnie Lockwood
Cotton Berrier, Harriett Berrier, Katherine & Chris Everett, Bob & Jane Mimcke, Bob & Margaret Patrone from Sarah Berrier
Robert Kenan Smith from Mom & Dad
Virginia Colyar Smith from Mom & Dad
Henry Scott Smith from Mom & Dad
L. Caesar Stair, III from Members of the Knox County Master Gardeners
• Thornton Elmore from Missy Palmer Trent
• Barry Jenkins from Lisa Duncan
• Nelly Elsa DiGiulio from Sandi & David Gettlefinger
• Barry Jenkins from Jane Brannon
• Corey Justice from Sean, Ashlee, Mia and Morgan Holloway
• Alton Chester Morris, Jr. from Suzanne Piper
• Lea Ousley from Linda, Michael, and Mark Ousley
• Myles W. Dewey from Erin Archer
• Buddy and Sarah Saulsbury from Tamra Ray
• Linda Jane Long from Suzanne Graves
• Andi Ray from Jane & Richard Ray
• Lawana JoAnne Puccini Tarter from Tyson & Betsy Chastain
• Glenda Beverly Calhoun, beloved Mother from Karen Lynn Calhoun, daughter
• Peggy Serrano from Leslie Serrano
• David Leroy Owens from Dane & Ripley Owens
• Reggie Jenkins & Peggy Whitt from William Heller & Michael Whitt
• Karen Moree from The Caffertys
• Tom Baker from Mari Kohnstamm
• Betty Gheen from Kevin & Beth Gheen
• Billy Dale Smith from Nancy White
• Tommy Keeton from Ashley Keeton Francis
• Randy Bush from Kaitlyn Meadows, Family & Friends of Randy
More Ways to Support
What does your license plate say about you? The State of Tennessee offers more than 100 specialty license plates for Tennessee motorists to display on their registered motor vehicles. These plates represent special interest organizations, professional organizations, colleges and universities, branches of the military and other topics. Funds from these plates support art organizations just like ours! For more information, click the images below!